What are the platforms I will use for the courses?

  1. Federica.eu: Federica is your digital book where you can find mooc courses and the content of   the lessons. For each lesson there is a self-assessment quiz. You can study when you want because the platform is asynchronous.
  2. Teams: the place where you meet docents. Meetings are scheduled according to the calendar you can find here:


All teachers created a channel. If you are not in the channel please email maddalena.molaro@unina.it

  1. Virtual class: only "Circular platforms for energy and materials recovery - module 1" course uses this platform.

Save the link:


It is activated only on days when the online lesson is scheduled.

If you have any doubts write an email to:



By mistake, I signed up for a channel of a Course I am not supposed to take. What should I do?

Don't panic! Quit the team.



What courses should I take online?

Since the Course of Study is expected to enroll students with different cultural backgrounds, two alignment paths are provided to ensure the achievement of the specific objectives of the training path.


Chemistry semester

 Complements of Physical and Analytical Chemistry

 Complements of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

 Circular Platforms for energy and materials Recovery

Biotech semester

Bioinorganic Chemistry and Industrial Enzymology

Complements of Microbiology and Biotechnology

Circular Platforms for energy and materials Recovery


Where can I find the seminar calendar online?     


Notes. The indicated time is Italian time.


Where can I find the student's guide?


Is there a technical support group?

Yes, enrol here https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a7RjOKvwwMAyYKY1CpbIgKEjidk2OShNJGY3WWPUlJfo1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=c75ac1b4-5631-4de1-afc6-b3df3eaf322c&tenantId=2fcfe26a-bb62-46b0-b1e3-28f9da0c45fd