Welcome to Federico II
Avviso Selezione Borse Erasmus + 2024-Mobilità Staff
Graduatoria ERASMUS+ KA171 Progetto 2023
Corso di lingua Catalana
Avviso di selezione Erasmus+ per mobilità a fini di tirocinio
Avviso borse mobilità a fini di studio e tirocinio (Paesi extra UE)
Azione KA171
The European Commission welcomes the conclusion of the negotiations and the political agreement between the European Parliament and Member States for the new Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027!
With a dedicated budget of over 26 billion euros, the new program will not only be more inclusive and more international, but also more digital and green!
European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas commented:
"Erasmus is Europe's most emblematic programme, the jewel in our crown. The Erasmus generations are the essence of our European way of life. Unity in diversity, solidarity, mobility, support for Europe as a space of peace, freedom and opportunity. With today's agreement, we are ready for the next and greatest Erasmus generations."
One of the objectives of the programme is to provide more opportunities for learning mobility and to strengthen cooperation between education and training and the world of work. Mobility may include a period of study at a partner institution or a traineeship or the acquisition of experience as an assistant or trainee abroad. Mobility organised on the basis of high-quality joint, double or multiple diplomas is also supported.
Erasmus at the SDC
Within the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme, the Department of Chemical Sciences is committed to promoting student exchanges, cooperation and mobility. The professors of the department have activated Erasmus sambi for mobility both for study purposes and for degree theses.
- The list of ERASMUS+ exchange venues, updated on 01/09/2022, is available at the following link.
- To view the list of locations with active exchange programs, consult the UniNa website.
Erasmus Commission at the SDC
- Prof. Vincenzo Russo (Erasmus Delegate of the Department of Chemical Sciences)
- Prof. Roberta Marchetti
- Dr. Marco Masi
- Administrative contact person to contact for all administrative questions by appointment: Mr. Annarita Quartuccio placeholder image
For info contact: erasmus.dsc@unina.it
Mobility for study purposes offers students the opportunity to attend courses and take exams abroad at a partner European University.
As part of international mobility, students regularly enrolled in master's, three-year and single-cycle degree courses can participate in the selection call for special scholarships, which will allow the student to spend a period of study, between 5 and 9 months.
For the selected students there is a scholarship whose amount is fixed each year by the Erasmus Agency.
Outgoing students (students of the Department of Chemical Sciences)
One of the actions of Erasmus is support for student mobility for the purpose of study or training in higher education institutions in the Member States, as well as traineeships in companies, training centres, research centres or other organisations.
For all educational information, students can send an email to the Erasmus delegate of the Department exclusively at the address erasmus.dsc@unina.it and / or contact the promoting teachers.
The Table shows some of the exams recognized in the context of the LT in Chemistry and LM in Chemical Sciences in correspondence with exams taken in the corresponding foreign locations.
This Table shows the conversion of the marks of the exams taken abroad.
CALL 2023
With DR625 of 27-2 the Erasmus+ 2023/24 selection notice was issued (click here to download the CALL).
- Students can apply by 12.00 on 20 March;
- the credits considered are those registered on March 15, 2023 and will be extracted directly from the URI, in collaboration with CINECA and CSI, at the end of the submission of applications (STUDENTS CAN APPLY EVEN IF THEY PLAN TO TAKE OTHER EXAMS BY 15-3; THE DATA RELATING TO THE ECTS AND NUMBER OF EXAMS ARE AUTOMATICALLY ACQUIRED FOR ALL CANDIDATE STUDENTS, DIRECTLY FROM THE DATABASE USED BY THE UNIVERSITY FOR STUDENT CAREER MANAGEMENT).
At the page: Programma | Università Federico II (unina.it) you can find the assignments for the call Erasmus 2023-24.
It offers the possibility of carrying out internship activities or preparation of the degree thesis abroad in companies, research and training centers or other organizations.
Students interested in a traineeship can participate in the call for special scholarships, which will allow them to spend an internship period of between 2 and 6 months.
The institution where to carry out the internship period must be identified and proposed independently by the student.
For the selected students there is a scholarship whose amount is fixed each year by the Erasmus Agency.
CALL 2022
Attached is the ranking of candidates meeting the requirements of the Call and winning results.
Applications were evaluated on the basis of the following evaluation criteria:
- Academic career (as of 31/03/2021) and curriculum vitae (25-35 points)
- Letter of motivation (0-10 points)
Linguistic knowledge(s) (5-20 points)
- First certified language (B1 points 5; B2 points 8; C1 points 11; C2 points 14) Possible second certified language (B1 points 1; B2 points 2; C1 points 3; C2 points 4) Possible third language (B1 or B2 points 1; C1 or C2 points 2)
- Letter Acceptance of the host entity (10 points)
Attached documents
Some useful links for welcoming students:
- Reception service: www.international.unina.it/welcome-desk/
- The University Language Centre organises language courses for Erasmus students.
- International unina
- Lists of courses in English at Department of Chemical Sciences
Erasmus+: PhD Students
The call for Erasmus 2023-24 mobility dedicated to the third cycle of studies (PhD and specialization school students) is available at the page.
The deadline for submitting applications is fixed at 21/04/2023 at 12.00.
The Erasmus+ programme funds mobility grants for teaching and research staff at partner European universities to carry out teaching activities.
Applications must be completed EXCLUSIVELY on the University website on the page.
CALL 2023
- Deadline to be defined.