Chemical analyses
Chemical Laboratory for the Environment
Affiliated to the "Centro Qualità di Ateneo (CQA)" and "Centro Servizi Metrologici Avanzati (CeSMA)". Authorized to physical chemical analyses on minear and drinkable waters, certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, accreditated UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (ACCREDIA: 1498B).
Main equipment: ICP-MS, ICP-OES, MP-OES, P&T-GC-MS (triple quadrupole), 4 GC HS-GC-FID-ECD, 6 ionic GC, HPLC-UV-DAD-FL, HR-imaging-XRF, TOC-N.
Mass Spectrometry Laboratories
It includes numerous equipment including:
- LC-MS ESI-TOF 1260/6230DA Agilent,
- Mass spectrometer MALDI TOF-TOF 5800 ABI SCIEX,
- nanoLC-CHIP-MS/MS with Q-TOF analyzer by Agilent,
- LC-MS/MS with ORBITRAP analyzer by ThermoFisher,
- GC-MS/MS with Triple Quadrupole analyzer by Agilent,
- nanoLC-MS/MS Xevo TQS with Triple Quadrupole analyzer by Waters,
- nanoLC-MS/MS 4000 Q-TRAP with linear ionic trap analyzer by ABI SCIEX.