CTS- Chemistry Tools for Synthesis

Prof. Silvana Pedatella

Room 0Mb16; phone +39-081-674 118 Email pedatell@unina.it;

orcid, webdocenti




Other Group members:

  • Dott.ssa Luigia Serpico (UNINA) – PhD student XXXIII Cycle
  • Dott. Mauro De Nisco (UNIBAS) – visiting professor
  • Dott. Michele Manfra (UNIBAS) – visiting professor

Group web site: 



The general scientific interest of the research group lies mainly in the field of ORGANIC SYNTEHSIS, involving amino acids, sugars, and small aromatic heterocycles.

We focus projects at the intersection between the discovery of the new reactions and reactivity, the development of this into powerful synthetic methodology and its application to the synthesis of molecules of biological significance.

Furthermore, we aim to make our chemistry accessible to the majority of organic synthesis chemists by making the reactions technically simple to perform, efficient, scalable, selective and broad in scope.

Ongoing Projects:

  • Design and synthesis of new glycoconjugates with antioxidant activity.
  • Design and synthesis of short peptides as new β-sheet breakers.
  • Design and synthesis of new organocatalysts containing aminoacids and/or Se/Te, for enantioselective reactions in aqueous medium.

Main collaboration: