Orario delle lezioni II semestre aggiornato


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Only a limited number of students (maximum of 150) are admitted each year to the three-year bachelor's in chemistry program (class L-27).

Bachelor students will be thoroughly trained in the various chemistry subfields and acquire both experimental and theoretical skills. The training will prepare students to pursue careers in fields that require critical thinking and scientific approaches, also beyond what is traditionally considered ‘chemistry'. This includes the ability to continue their studies in a master's degree course in chemistry or related fields (the other sciences or engineering).

The degree program is largely standardized in the sense that all students have to attend fundamental courses. In the first and (partly) the second year, this includes training in the other basic sciences – mathematics and physics – and courses in fundamental aspects of chemistry that are required for the advanced studies in the fundamental chemistry subfields: analytical, organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. In the third year, students will also be introduced to aspects of industrial chemistry and biochemistry. The standard curriculum is complemented by an extensive list of optional courses from which students can select, allowing them to specialize in specific fields.

Laboratory activities are paramount in chemistry education and the students will be given ample opportunities to acquire practical skills and hands-on knowledge that will allow them immediate entry into the job market. The laboratory experience is further strengthened during an internship period, which can be carried out in the different research groups of the Department or outside of the Department in companies.

A significant number of credits is dedicated to the English language, which is fundamental for communication in the worldwide scientific community and is also required for computer skills necessary for the processing of experimental data.

The degree program in Chemistry complies with the European standard defined by the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) and graduates receive the "Chemistry Eurobachelor Label" accreditation. This allows for maximum mobility in the European university area. Students can acquire credits at other universities in the ECTN network during a semester abroad or complete their studies at a different university, transferring the credits earned at Federico II.

The bachelor's in chemistry program is affiliated with the Department of Chemical Sciences, which houses a diverse and competitive set of research groups. Practical training and bachelor thesis are carried out in modern, safe, and well-equipped laboratories.

The Coordinator of the Teaching Commission of the Degree Course in Chemistry is Prof. Roberta Cipullo.