ISKRA: International School of Kinetics and Reactor Architecture


ISKRA is an international school aimed at training PhD students in Chemical Sciences and Chemical Engineering on modern topics of chemical kinetics and design of chemical reactors.

The student will be accompanied in a guided and interactive path aimed at process development starting from the most modern techniques of synthesis and characterization of heterogeneous catalysts. Multiphase reactors will be discussed, with a view to process intensification, i.e., the development of chemical reactors optimized in terms of yield and energy use. Attention will be paid to the description of the most advanced chemical reactors (e.g., chromatographic reactors, reactive distillation, dynamic systems) contemplating the use of alternative energy sources (e.g., microwaves, ultrasounds, radio frequencies).

The school will be held in Naples, at the conference center of the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II, from the 4th to the 9th of September 2023.

The interested students can contact Prof. Vincenzo Russo.

The programme is attached.




ISKRA was organized in the frame of Erasmus+ KA131 Blended Intensive Programme.
