Research Groups
- AAC – Amino Acids Chemistry
- AME – Artificial Metallo Enzymes
- AOCL – Analytical And Organic Chemistry for Life
- BBE – Biotecnologie Biochimiche ed Enzimologia
- BC – Biotecnologie Cellulari
- BIMA – Biotecnologie Industriali, Molecolari ed Ambientali
- BIP – Bioinspired Products
- BS – Biologia Strutturale
- CASA – Chimica Analitica Salute e Ambiente
- CEAC – Coordination and Equilibria in Analytical Chemistry
- CF-S – Chimica Fisica Sperimentale
- CTS – Chemistry Tools for Synthesis
- DREAM – Design and REalization of Advanced Materials
- FPM3 – First Principles Modeling of Molecules and Materials
- IC – Impianti Chimici
- LSP – Laboratory of Stereoselective Polymerizations
- METOR – Chimica Organometallica
- MOM – Mimicking Organic Metabolites
- NICL – Naples Industrial Chemistry Laboratory
- OTG – Oreste Tarallo Group
- PPL – Fisica dei Polimeri e Chimica Macromolecolare
- RAS – Ricerca Ambiente e Salute
- SCF – Sintesi, Caratterizzazione, Fotochimica
- SCML – Soft Condensed Matter Lab: Polymers and Gels
- SNAB – Sostanze Naturali Bioattive
- SSCN – Structure and Synthesis of Carbohydrates Naples
- TheCraft - Theoretical and Computational Chemistry at Unina
Research areas
- Biopolymers and bio-inspired systems of biomedical and technological interest
- Cellular, molecular, industrial and environmental biotechnology
- Analytical methods for the separation and quantification of chemicals in real systems (environment, food security and cultural heritage)
- Models and methods in theoretical and computational chemistry
- Nanostructures, nanosystems and nanotechnologies
- New polymers for advanced structural and functional applications
- Processes and systems of industrial relevance
- Design, synthesis and structure of bioactive peptides and metalloproteins
- Synthesis and sudy of coordination compounds for technological and biomedical applications
- Synthesis and properties of organic natural substances and their analogs
- Synthesis, structure and properties of carbohydrates and glycoconjugates
- Structure, properties and function of proteins and nucleic acids
- Sustainable technologies for biomass conversions
Other information can be found in Department Research Summary on the Unina web site