SCF – Sintesi Caratterizzazione Fotochimica

Prof. Maria Rosaria Iesce

Room 1Mb18; phone +39-081-674334/336 Email;




Prof. Marina Della Greca

Room 1Mb6; phone +39-081-674162 Email;





Prof. Flavio Cermola

Room 1Mc03; phone +39-081-674331 Email;





Dr. Fabio Temussi

Room 1Mc07; phone +39-081-674333 Email;


In aspettativa senza assegni fino al 30/11/2024. Scientific Officer presso ECHA (Agenzia Europea per le Sostanze Chimiche)




Sustainable synthetic aopproaches for natural products and their analogues of biointerest (lignans, glycosides, nucleosides)

Photochemistry of bioactive compounds (drugs, pesticides)

Isolation and structural characterization of secondary metabolites


The research ofSCFgroup, based on the different and complementary experiences of their components, is in the field of organic chemistry, mainly in the development  of new sustainable synthetic methodologies for bioactive natural products (lignans, glycosides, nucleosides) and/or their analogues.

Another research line is focused on the study of the action of light and oxygen, mediated by natural or synthetic sensitizers, on bioactive molecules and/or pollutants (pesticides, phenolic derivatives, drugs), with particular attention to the investigation of photochemical mechanisms and isolation and characterization of photoproducts.

One member  of the group (Della Greca) has a long-lasting experience in the field of isolation and structural characterization of natural substances from plants and, recently, from fungi. Such studies are finalized to find new allelochemicals as alternative to synthetic pesticides.


Collaborations are constantly active with national or international research groups working in other disciplines as biology, ecotoxicology, pharmacy to test the synthetized or isolated products.



Solar Simulator                                   Multiray Apparatus