
The Commission for the Tutoring Activity, compsed by Porff. Paola Giardina and Anleglina Lombardi, provides a strong support to students for a customized education. Tutors are a guide in the choice and the temporal distribution of Courses, and in the scheduling of exams.

Tutors are referents for

  • supporting students who encounter logistic and organization difficulties
  • gathering information about general difficulties and disservices found during the didactical activity
  • evaluating the need of further services
  • distributìing internal questionnaires at each semester end and elaborating the answers
  • writing down records of the meetings and regularly informing the CdS about the tutoring activities


Paola Giardina, email: giardina@unina.it

Angelina Lombardi, email: angelina.lombardi@unina.it

Receiving place and time

Tutors receive upon appointment, after being contacted by institutional email