
Industrial Chemistry for Circular and Bio Economy

Education, and training are crucial for the future of Circular and Bio Economy. The transition to a more ‘green' and environmentally sustainable economy requires new education and training systems to support the overall process.  The role of vocational education in enabling the transition is part of the European Green Deal, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and country targets of net-zero carbon emissions. 

"Contamination of knowledge" is fundamental, and it is especially so in the training courses of the new generations.

Two leading Italian Universities: University of Napoli Federico II (UNINA) and Polytechnic of Torino (POLITO) joined their forces and competences to give birth to a new joint Master's degree Science in Industrial Chemistry for Circular and Bio Economy.

The Educational Objectives of the Master's Degree Course in Industrial Chemistry for Circular and Bio Economy of the LM-71 class are to provide an in-depth preparation for the development of new processes and products for the chemical industry in a perspective of Circular and Bio Economy. This starts from an operational research phase, at the laboratory level, and moves on to the implementation and management of pilot plants, up to the understanding of the structure and operation of industrial plants. Students will be prepared to operate, respecting ethical constraints, especially in the field of research and development, acquiring the necessary tools to develop, manage and evaluate products, materials, and processes on an industrial scale, always remaining within the limits of sustainable chemistry. The possibility to participate in challenges proposed by the industries of the sector will allow the student to achieve an in-depth professionalism to be used on the job market.

The traineeship and the thesis will complete the student's cultural training. The internship and thesis activities will be conducted in close collaboration with companies operating in the sector of Circular and Bio Economy.

Admission to the programme and prerequisites

The selections for A.Y. 2025/2026 are officially open

Certified English language proficiency at the B2 level is required.

The B2 English language requirement can be achieved within the first year of the course (e.g., for academic year 22/23 it ends on March 31, 2024). Enrolled students can acquire B2 certification through the CLA (University Linguistic Center).

Admission is also permitted if at least 1 of the following curricular requirements is met:

  • Requirement 1: Candidates who have graduated in Italy in the Class ex D.M. 270/04: L-27 Chemical Sciences and Technologies.
  • Requirement 2: Candidates with an Italian degree in classes different from those specified in Requisite 1 (for example: ex D.M. 270/04: L2 - Biotechnology, L13 - Biological Sciences or L9 - Industrial Engineering ) but who have acquired the following CFU: at least 8 CFU in the subject areas: MAT/01 to 09; at least 6 CFU in the subject areas: FIS/01 to 08; at least 15 CFU in the subject areas: CHIM/01 to 07; at least 15 CFU in the subject areas: AGR/16, BIO/10, BIO/11, CHIM/11, ING-IND/25, ING-IND 27.
  • Requirement 3: candidates with a foreign university degree (e.g., Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Biology) with a curriculum corresponding, in terms of content, to requirements 1 or 2 indicated above.

Students who obtained their last degree (BSc or MSc degree) not more that 7 years ago and had a graduation grade of 65% or high will be accepted for selection. Verification of personal preparation is mandatory in all cases, and only students who meet the curricular requirements may enter.


Application procedure

The candidates must compile the following module in order to get the appointment for the interview. It is mandatory to send the following documents via e-mail to just after filling the on-line module.

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Bachelor Certificate
  • Diploma Supplement or Graduate Record Examination
  • Scan of the Passport
  • English Certification
  • Motivational letter
  • Eventual Recommendation Letters
  • Slide presentation for the interview (see instructions below).

The candidate will be contacted via e-mail for an on-line interview, where he/she will be asked to talk about the BSc thesis/final work, preparing a presentation using the attached template (see example) (max 5-6 min of talk), and for the verification of the documentation sent via e-mail.

After the colloquium, if the curriculum of the student satisfied the required criteria, he/she will be contacted to get a pre-enrollment letter.


Students that need VISA must apply also on Universititaly web site. Please register on the portal Universitaly and upload the required documents. In the application, please select "University of Naples Federico II"; leave blank the tax code, if you do not have it yet, and the ID account at the selected University; select the Italian Embassy/Consulate of the country where you will apply for the study VISA. The International Didactic office of University of Naples Federico II (UNINA) will carry out its own preliminary assessment of the individual applications by requesting from the student a copy of the academic qualifications and any other document deemed useful for the purpose of this preliminary assessment. The office will contact the Coordinator of degree to conclude the evaluation of your application.  In case of positive evaluation, the UNINA will validate the pre-enrolment application by entering the relevant data on the UNIVERSITALY portal. After the validation by UNINA, candidates will apply for pre-enrolment at the Italian Embassy/Consulate of their residing country to obtain the study visa. The preliminary acceptance by the university does not confer any right to obtain a visa. For more information visit :

Study plan

Before the starting of First semester the students will attend to an online section were the instruction about the structure of courses and how to attend them

Since the Course of Study is expected to enrol students with different cultural backgrounds, two alignment paths are provided to ensure the achievement of the specific objectives of the training path.

  1. An alignment path is addressed to the students who need to deepen the knowledge useful in the development of processes/products related to Bio Economics in the different disciplinary fields of Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology with a particular attention, for each discipline, to those aspects that may be useful to the development of topics of application interest that constitute the prominent part of the Degree Course. In this regard, the insights will cover both theoretical and experimental aspects;
  2. A second alignment path is addressed to the students who need to deepen their knowledge of chemistry in the different disciplinary fields of Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry with a particular attention, for each discipline, to those aspects that can be useful to the development of the themes of applicative interest that constitute the main part of the Degree Course. In this regard, the in-depth studies will concern both theoretical and experimental aspects.


The alignment courses of the first semester are provided in a mixed mode that allows the learning of the theory of the disciplines treated through modern teaching technologies, in line with the TPACK process (technological, pedagogical content knowledge), a teaching model that allows to amalgamate the three essential bodies of knowledge: the content knowledge, the pedagogical structure and the technological component. The use of on-line frontal didactics, associated with moments of training with innovative methodologies (e.g., MOOC on Federica Web Learning platform, online tutoring), will allow the student to face an active learning process. At the end of the semester (January-February), students must participate in teaching workshops that will be held in-person. The workshops can be attended in Naples or Turin.

The following semesters are delivered in presence.

After the first semester, students follow a common training path that has as specific training objectives to provide a solid culture of Industrial Chemistry, Biotechnology and Chemical Plants that allows the student to know the main products and materials of the Chemical Industry and the new processes to obtain them, in a perspective of Circular Economy and Bio Economy. This will start from an operational research phase, at laboratory level, to move on to the realization and management of pilot plants, up to the understanding of the structure and operation of industrial plants. Students will be prepared to operate, respecting ethical constraints, especially in the field of research and development, acquiring the necessary tools to develop, manage and evaluate products, materials and processes on an industrial scale, always remaining within the limits of sustainable chemistry.

Challange/elective courses

The possibility to participate in challenges proposed by the industries of the sector will allow the student to achieve a deep professionalism to be used on the job market. In order to decide if take the challange or the elective course, the following module must be compiled and sent by the 31st of March of the 1st year of enrollment.


The internship and the dissertation will complete the cultural training of the student engaging him in intense activities: laboratory, processing of the results obtained, collection, processing and synthesis of information in the literature and presentation of their work with language and scientific rigor. The internship and thesis activities will be conducted in close collaboration with companies in the sector within the framework of specific collaboration agreements.

More info:

Dates and Class Schedule

The MOOCs are avaible online on Federica Web Learning. Students are invited to register to the Federica platform. The students of Master Degree need to be enrolled with class code (ask the instruction to

Students must complete the MOOC prior the exam date. Docents of the I year I semester will ask the MOOC completion certificate as a requirement to do the exam.

Classes will start following the shedule here reported



EXAMINATION DATES 2023-20242024-25


Traineeship opportunities

The students enrolled in the course may decide to carry out internships or training stages at organizations or companies that have an agreement with the University. The internship or stage activities are compulsory, and they contribute to the attribution of credits for the Other educational activities chosen by the student included in the study plan, as provided for by Art. 10, paragraph 5, letters d and e, of the D.M. 270/2004 .

The modalities of carrying out and the characteristics of internships and stages are regulated by the CCD (see Graduation thesis and exam)

The University of Naples Federico II and the Politecnico di Torino, through the Student Internship Office (UNINA) and the Career Service Office (POLITO), ensure a constant contact with the world of work, in order to offer students and graduates of the Universities concrete opportunities of internship and stage and to favour their professional insertion.



Several opportunities are possible to carry out the traineeship (4CFU):

  1. Intramonenia
  2. Extramoenia: (A) industry, (B) Erasmus+ call

After earning 55 CFUs, the student enrolled in the second year may apply to the Degree Committee for assignment of the traineeship. The modalities and the procedure are here regulated.

Intramoenia traineeship: the student contacts the traineeship tutor between the docents of the MSc degree. The student will compile the "Module for traineeship start". At the end of the traineeship, the student will compile the "Module for traineeship end". The president of the Degree Commission is responsible of the assignation of the CFU to the student.

Extramoenia traineeship (A): the student must follow the institutional procedure established at UniNA, meaning to compile the form available at the following link ( The student must find an industry where to conduct the traineeship activity from the list provided at the link, accepted by UniNa, indicating an internal tutor between the docents of the MSc degree appointed by the president of the Degree Commission. The student will compile the "Module for traineeship start". At the end of the traineeship, the student will compile the "Module for traineeship end". The president of the Degree Commission is responsible of the assignation of the CFU to the student.

Extramoenia traineeship (B): the student must participate and be eligible to an Erasmus+ call. Information is proved on the website ( The student must find a university or an industry belonging to the Erasmus+ consortium where to conduct the traineeship activity, indicating an internal tutor between the docents of the MSc degree appointed by the president of the Degree Commission. The student will compile the "Module for traineeship start". At the end of the traineeship, the student will compile the "Module for traineeship end". The president of the Degree Commission is responsible of the assignation of the CFU to the student.

All the declarations and modules are electronical and here available.

Graduation thesis and exam

The Graduation Thesis consists of a presentation of the Thesis to a special Degree Committee appointed by the CCD. The Degree Committee consists of 5 members appointed from among the members of the CCD.

After earning 55 CFUs, the student enrolled in the second year may apply to the Degree Committee for assignment of the internship and thesis. The Commission assigns the traineeship and the thesis by identifying the supervisor and two counter-reporters who will verify the thesis work.

The traineeship is an integral part of the final exam, and its purpose is to instruct the student in the experimental/calculative techniques that he/she will use in the development of the final exam.

It is preparatory to the final exam a period of research activity on topics consistent with the training course of the master's degree to be carried out under the guidance of a supervisor. With this activity, the student prepares the thesis of experimental and / or theoretical character that brings an original contribution to scientific knowledge or represents an innovative technological solution in the Circular Economy and Bioeconomy. The thesis is carried out at research groups of the two universities, institutions, or external companies. In case the research activity is carried out outside the two universities, a co-rapporteur is also appointed who is responsible for the student's activity with the institution or company.

The graduation grade, expressed in hundredths, will be established by the Graduation Committee on the basis of the weighted average of the scores obtained by the student in the profit exams taken (expressed in hundredths), and on the basis of the result of the Final Examination. A maximum of 10/110 points are attributed to the Final Examination, considering the characteristics of the final report, the exposition and the time taken to obtain the Degree. If the overall evaluation exceeds 110/110 points, the Commission may proceed to the attribution of the Lode.


Graduation thesis and exam

Several opportunities are possible to carry out the thesis work (22CFU):

  1. Intramonenia
  2. Extramoenia: (A) industry or Research Center, (B) Erasmus+ call

After the completion of the traineeship, the student may apply to the Degree Committee for assignment of the thesis. The modalities and the procedure are here regulated.

Intramoenia thesis: the student must select the thesis work from the list published on the MSc degree website ( where there are reported the title of the thesis and the name(s) of the tutor(s). The tutor(s) can be docent(s) of the Department of Chemical Sciences of UniNa or the Department of Applied Sciences and Technology of PoliTo. The student must contact the docent to get a confirmation of the availability of the thesis work.

Extramoenia thesis (A): the student must find an industry or a Research Center where to conduct the thesis activity, indicating an internal tutor between the docents of the MSc degree appointed by the president of the Degree Commission.

Extramoenia traineeship (B): the student must participate and be eligible to an Erasmus+ call. Information is proved on the website ( The student must find a university or an industry belonging to the Erasmus+ consortium where to conduct the thesis activity, indicating an internal tutor between the docents of the MSc degree appointed by the president of the Degree Commission.


For all the procedures, the student must compile the "Module for thesis start". Then, the president of the Degree Commission will appoint one opponent among the docents of the Department of Chemical Sciences of UniNa or the Department of Applied Sciences and Technology of PoliTo. If the student has not had a medical examination, the chair of the committee requests it from the safety officer of the Chemical Sciences department. At the end of the thesis work, the student must compile "Module for thesis end" indicating the name and email address of the supervisor and the opponent. The opponent will be asked to confirm electronically that the student had regular meeting. Please note that the duration of the thesis cannot be lower than 5 months from the beginning of the thesis. After that the student must send the thesis in pdf format to the opponent at least 20 days before the graduation day asking for a meeting that shall be completed at least 10 days before the examination.

At the end of the thesis work, the student follows the procedure:

  1. The student must book the graduation exam from the 1st to the 15th day of the month preceding the month in which he/she intends to graduate by delivering a graduation application (link) to the University Student Secretariat (Common Centers of Monte S. Angelo). Attention: after these terms it will no longer be possible to make the reservation and the payment of the relative tax due to constraints of the computer system.
  2. No less than 15 days before the start of the graduation session, the graduating student will send the following documents, all in electronic format, to
  • Thesis title deposit form (link)
  • The summary of the thesis signed by the candidate and the supervisor
  • A copy of the statistical survey questionnaire (link) completed anonymously.
  1. No less than 15 days before the start of the graduation session, the graduating student will deliver the following documents to the University Student Secretariat (Centri Comuni di Monte S. Angelo):
  • A copy of the thesis in electronic format on CD. The CD could alternatively be sent to the Department of Chemical Sciences didactic secretariat (Dr. Roberta Ruocco).
  1. The president of the Degree Commission will receive from the students' secretariat the list of the students that will be examined and will send an official convocation to the member of the degree commission, the tutors, and the opponent.

All the declarations and modules are electronic and here available.

Staying at PoliTO

Accomodation at PoliTo

Information about welcoming and accomodation at PoliTo are available at the following links:


Bus fares in Turin

Discounts for people under 26 are available in Turin. Info is reported at the following link.


Certifications at PoliTo

Students of the second year can go to the Tax Office and General Secretariat of the Polytechnic or open a ticket and request a certificate in which we certify that for the current academic year they will attend courses at the Polytechnic. The certificate requires the payment of a 16 euro stamp duty.

Orientation and Tutoring

Orientation to incoming students

The CCD organizes orientation initiatives in close coordination with the other courses of the Department of Chemical Sciences and the School of Polytechnics and Basic Sciences. The calendar of the orientation initiatives is available at the link.

Degree Programme Director can be contacted for information or it possible to have information at the link.


Tutoring and counseling

The orientation and tutoring in itinere is developed through the active involvement of tutors responsible for providing students with guidelines and suggestions on the development of their university career, but also to grasp the difficulties encountered during their training path. The regulatory aspects are carried out by the CDS Coordinator.


Career orientation and job placement

Frequent meetings are organized at the University and School facilities with companies interested in recruitment, as well as job fairs and job meetings. Meetings with representatives of the Professional Associations and the Industrial Union are organized periodically.

The portal Orienta UNINA at link has a special section in which recruitment events, job fairs and opportunities for job placement are reported by companies.

The Politecnico di Torino centrally manages, through the Career Service office, all the connection activities between the students of the University and the world of work. In this context, there are active programs of accompaniment to work, the details of which are illustrated and available on the website.

International exchange programmes (Erasmus programme)

Students who intend to spend a period abroad under the Erasmus+ program for study (or Erasmus mobility for traineeship purposes) can find detailed information and the list of active agreements at the address.


The Politecnico di Torino and the University of Naples Federico II are involved in several international agreements to promote student mobility. Student mobility at UNINA is entrusted to the International Relations Office of the Research and Third Mission Department, while at PoliTO it is entrusted to the Incoming Mobility Office and the Outgoing Mobility Office of the Internationalization Area.

Job opportunities

The Master's Degree in Industrial Chemistry for Circular and Bio Economy will be able to find employment in technical and managerial roles of high responsibility in the fields of research, innovation, development, production, design, evaluation of products, chemical processes and materials.

They can find employment:

  • in chemical/biotechnological/pharmaceutical industries
  • at recycling or waste treatment plants
  • in private and public chemical laboratories
  • in public administration offices/control bodies.

Moreover, they will be able to carry out activities as professionals after obtaining the Qualification and enrolment in the Register of the Orders of Chemists and Physicists.

In particular:

  1. the graduate in Industrial Chemistry for Circular and Bio Economy who performs the role of Researcher-Technologist for the development of chemical and biotechnological processes of the circular economy and bioeconomy will be able to find employment at: universities, research organizations, industrial R&D laboratories;
  2. the graduate in Industrial Chemistry for Circular and Bio Economy who plays the role of Manager of the management of chemical and biotechnological processes for the Circular Economy and Bioeconomy may be employed at: Chemical, Biotechnological, Pharmaceutical, Recycling, Waste Treatment Plants;
  3. the graduate in Industrial Chemistry for Circular and Bio Economy who plays the role of expert in the evaluation and control of the impacts of chemical and biotechnological processes may be employed by: Public and Private Analysis Laboratories, Plant Design Companies, Public Institutions for the control and management of Environment and Health.
