Green Economy Academy: le difficoltà della transizione energetica, 25-30 marzoo
The Green Economy Academy will also return from 25 to 30 March 2025, an initiative that for fourteen years has allowed students interested in the issues of sustainability, green economy and ecological transition to visit virtuous companies in the paths of ecological transition and meet the most important scholars in the Green Economy festival, entrepreneurs and professionals in the field.
The program includes a thematic focus dedicated to the energy issue that affects various sectors of industry and the entire social structure, given the constant increase in energy needs, the difficult transition to the increasingly wide use of hydrogen due to the high costs of use and the limits of electricity, especially in the logistics and automotive sectors.
In this sense, we would be grateful if you would inform your students of this opportunity for higher education which involves an economic contribution on their part limited to the out-of-pocket costs of organization, food, travel and accommodation. For our part, however, in addition to all the advantages that they will find indicated, students will take advantage of a book voucher worth 120 euros.
The Academy project will take place from Tuesday 25 to Sunday 30 March 2025.
In addition, there is also an English-language program for international students this year. Below is the call in English
For the sake of completeness, I would like to point out that the next deadline for sending applications is set for December 15, 2024.
More info at:
In primo piano
Erasmus+ 2020/21
Selezione per l'a.a. 2020/21 - pagina dedicata (ultimo agg. 30/11/2020: avviso sottoscrizione contratto secondo semestre)
VIII Ciclo di seminari "Il mondo del lavoro incontra gli studenti"
Calendario dei seminari per l'a.a. 2020-2021 rivolti agli studenti triennali e magistrali dei CdS in Chimica, Chimica Industriale e Biotecnologie Biomolecolari e Industriali ed agli studenti delle scuole di dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e Biotecnologie. Locandina