Trieste Next International Academy fellowship


Trieste Next International Academy fellowship is  an intensive programme for students that allows them to take part in the Trieste Next Festival, to be held in Trieste from Friday 27 to Sunday 29 September 2024. 


The thematic sections of this year's programme are: Artificial Intelligence and roboticsMedical Sciences and Biotechnologies. Students can choose one thematic section, which includes specialised lectures and seminars, as well as visit important research centres in Trieste. 


In addition to the specialised seminars, selected students will also have access to talks with national and international guests, which will be announced in the coming weeks on the event's official page


This year PhD students will have the opportunity to present their research project during a poster session, following a selection by our committee.


The first deadline to send the application is Sunday 9 June 2024. Other deadlines will follow subject to availability of places (23 June, 7 July, 21st July, 4 August, 18 August, 1st September, 15 September)



In primo piano

  • Erasmus+ 2020/21

    Selezione per l'a.a. 2020/21 - pagina dedicata (ultimo agg. 30/11/2020: avviso sottoscrizione contratto secondo semestre)

  • VIII Ciclo di seminari "Il mondo del lavoro incontra gli studenti"

    Calendario dei seminari per l'a.a. 2020-2021 rivolti agli  studenti triennali e magistrali dei CdS in Chimica, Chimica Industriale e Biotecnologie Biomolecolari e Industriali ed agli studenti delle scuole di dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e Biotecnologie. Locandina